Buy VoIp credit via Privat24 |

9 Aug 2011, 11:57 AM
We have more good news for you.
We have joined in accepting payments Privat24, in connection with which you have
an opportunity 24 hours a day to pay for our goods.
Make payments from Privat24 convenient and simple.
And also very easy to register with Privat24!
It's enough to go to the site Privat www.privatbank.ua or the site of Privat24
www.privat24.ua and click "Register".
Go through all the stages of registration in accordance with step by step
directions and you Privat24.
Discover the expense of m Privat24 and enjoy Instant deposit VOIP telephony on
our site.
Remember that on our website you can update your account or buy a voucher to pay
for all providers of Betamax and Dellmont, 12voip, Actionvoip, Budgetvoipcall,
Calleasy, Callingcredit, Callpirates, Cheapbuzzer, Cheapvoip, Cheapvoipcall,
Cosmovoip, Dialcheap, Dialnow, Discountcalling, Easyvoip, Fastvoip
, Freecall, Freevoipdeal, Frynga, Globalfreecall, Hotvoip, Internetcalls,
Intervoip, Jumblo, Justvoip, Lowratevoip, Megavoip, Netappel, Nonoh,
Pennyconnect, Poivy, Powervoip, Rebvoice, Rynga, Sipdiscount, Smartvoip,
Smsdiscount, Smslisto, Sparvoip, Stuntcalls, Telbo
, Voipblast, Voipblazer, Voipbuster, Voipbusterpro, Voipcaptain, Voipcheap,
Voipcheap.co.uk, Voipchief, Voipdiscount, Voipgain, Voipjumper, Voipmove,
Voipraider, Voipsmash, Voipstunt, Voipwise, Voipzoom, Webcalldirect, as well as
vouchers Skype.
4 Feb 2015, 11:12 AM
Dear customers, We start accept Yandex Money for replenish VoIP telephony Betamax and Dellmont. This payment method is available for direct replenishment of accounts and for purchase vouchers. The payment method work fully automatically. read more...
31 Jan 2015, 8:56 PM
In order to improve website usability, we made some updates on the site. Currently, the updated page comparison of tariffs for calls VoIP telephony Dellmont / Betamax.
Page comparison of VoIP telephony tariffs
For easy comparison, the table is divided into providers with support for the currency EUR and USD. read more...
6 Jan 2015, 5:32 PM
Dear customers, we are pleased to announce that we have added to the list of payment systems OKPAY. This payment method is available for direct replenishment of VoIP telephony and shopping vouchers. Also through OKPAY, payment methods are available EasyPay, bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, BPay. read more...
26 Dec 2014, 4:54 PM
Dear customers, we are pleased to inform you that we have added to the list of payment methods Perfect Money. Now you can top up your account Dellmont VoIP providers using the method of payment. read more...
5 Nov 2014, 10:30 AM
Due to changes in the list replenishable Dellmont providers we removed some VoIP providers from our list. read more...
2 Sep 2014, 8:06 PM
Dear customers! Are happy to announce that to vouchers payment page added method of payment gateway Robokassa. This method of payment was previously only available on page of direct recharge VoIP telephony. read more...
27 Feb 2014, 11:09 AM
Dear customers, happy to inform you that we have updated the list of VoIP labels list. We added 13 new VoIP telephony operators such as:
Browsercalls, Call2india, CallingCardBuster, DiscountVoipUK,
MexicoBarato, MyVoiptraffic...
13 May 2013, 7:57 PM
Problems with automatic top up Dellmont VoIP fully resolved. The site works in standard mode. Now you can buy credit and refill accounts automatically 7/24. read more...
4 May 2013, 5:36 PM
Unfortunately we are experiencing some technical problems with direct money transfer. We are working very hard to resolve the matter as soon as possible. The problem should be resolved very soon.We recommend you temporarily refill your accounts used vouchers. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and we thank you for your patience and understanding. read more...
21 Mar 2013, 8:50 PM
Dear customers! Are pleased to announce that from now on the website is available payment reseller accounts Dellmont (Betamax) in currency USD. From now, you can buy credit to reseller in euros and dollars. Transfer money to reselles is automatically. read more...
Last transfers
User name |
Amount |
Time |
Reet******k |
10 EUR |
06:25:40 |
dfrg******j |
10 EUR |
16:12:40 |
nobl******0 |
10 EUR |
12:51:08 |
Crex******1 |
10 EUR |
18:01:38 |
davi******1 |
10 EUR |
20:03:04 |