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We offer you buy SipDiscount credit at the best prices. For refill SipDiscount account please enter your correct username and e-mail, select an amount and currency. Then click on the GO TO PAY button, opposite the chosen payment system and make a payment. SipDiscount credit will be added automatically.

Please be very careful when entering your username, if you give someone else's username your money can not be returned!

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   E.mail :  
   Amount :  

visa mastercard Perfect Money USD



Goods and services, offered by us as a Merchant are not provided on order or by request of a person or entity, running WebMoney Transfer System. We hereby act as an independent entity providing services and making independent decisions on pricing and offers. Entities, running WebMoney Transfer System do not receive any commission, interest fees or any other awards/refunds for the provided goods or services and are not liable for our activities. Verification, performed by WebMoney Transfer System only confirms the accuracy of our contact details and proves our identity. Verification is performed by our own free will and doesn't mean or show our connection to the commercial activity of WebMoney Transfer System Operators.
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Last transfers
User name Amount Time
Reet******k 10 EUR 06:25:40
dfrg******j 10 EUR 16:12:40
nobl******0 10 EUR 12:51:08
Crex******1 10 EUR 18:01:38
davi******1 10 EUR 20:03:04
News  Latest
Dear customers,
We start accept Yandex Money for replenish VoIP telephony Betamax and Dellmont. This payment method is available for direct replenishment of accounts and for purchase vouchers. The payment method work fully automatically.
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In order to improve website usability, we made some updates on the site. Currently, the updated page comparison of tariffs for calls VoIP telephony Dellmont / Betamax.

Page comparison of VoIP telephony tariffs

For easy comparison, the table is divided into providers with support for the currency EUR and USD.
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